Kansas Wesleyan University

给 to the Power of AND



Help make Kansas Wesleyan the place to be by visiting our online giving portal today!

Other Ways to 给

Did you know you can donate to KWU through PayPal and Venmo?

To get started with PayPal, 点击这里.

To login to Venmo, 点击这里.

在可能的情况下, make sure to list the desired allocation of your gift, including memorial information (if applicable). If no designation is provided, the money will go toward KWU’s annual fund.

If you wish to be contacted to make a donation by phone, or to discuss giving further with a member of Advancement, 请 fill out this form and a staffer will reach out to you as soon as possible.

You may also mail a check to 100 E. Claflin于大街.邮编:KS 67401, Salina, 40号信箱,或致电785-833-4392获取有关捐赠的更多信息.

The Power of AND Campaign



  • Nursing Education Center
  • Significant Endowment and Scholarship Increases
  • Remodeled Classroom Spaces and Labs
  • Additional 教师 and Staff Positions



  • 音乐活动
  • 纪念图书馆 Renovations
  • 狼村
  • Bieber Dining Hall (好 胃口!)





The 先锋社会 is a group of extraordinary alumni, 社区, 商业和校园领袖的贡献有助于维持以信仰为基础的, value-centered education we cherish.

Other Ways to 给


中大周年基金的捐款来自校友、家长、商界人士及大学的朋友. These donations provide critical educational initiatives, including curriculum development, technology upgrades, library resources, maintenance and utilities.


每年, 千亿国际登录通过个人或助学金为一些较小的项目寻求资金. When you donate to our annual fund without a specific designation, your gift is often directed these areas of most immediate need.

Current special projects include:

  • 尼尔森学生成功中心:协助学生在各个阶段学习所有科目.
  • 海赞教师教育中心:协助教师学习新的教学技术和方法.
  • Technology: Annual upkeep of hardware, 软件, and advancing technology in the classrooms and on campus is over $250,000.
  • Fitzpatrick Auditorium Sound & Multimedia System: Update the auditorium into a multi-media classroom.
  • Backstrom会议室多媒体系统:更新会议室,使其更多功能.



To make a donation to KWU through your employer’s matching gift program, 请填妥透过人力资源办公室索取的配捐表格,并连同捐款一并递交给本校. Our staff will authorize the form and return it to your employer. KWU will credit you for both your gift and your company’s gift. Plus, KWU benefits from the additional private support.

President’s Circle Award

总统圈奖成立于2010年,旨在表彰对千亿国际登录做出终身贡献的人, 人才, 和资源.

President’s Circle Award

  • 2010  Graves Family (Bill & Helen Graves, Mark & Martha Graves Reese, Bill & 琳达坟墓)
  • 2011  Senator Bob Dole
  • 2012年迪克 & 乔伊斯·布朗

Benefactors of Distinction


Benefactors of Distinction

  • 2011  Marla Beikman
  • 2012  David Laha, Roy & Donice Applequist


当你记得千亿国际登录在你的整体财产或财务计划, 你们使后代的学生能够从这一重要使命中受益.

联系 肯•奥利弗 to learn more about how simple the planned giving process can be.

Stock or Securities

提供已经升值的有价证券通常比现金礼物更有利. 高度增值的股票和债券在出售时,会产生应税资本收益. 根据1986年的税收改革法案,资本利得税大大减少了销售收益.



  1. You avoid capital gain tax on the appreciation.
  2. 你可以获得慈善机构的所得税减免,数额相当于房产目前的全部市场价值, regardless how much the value has grown from the purchase price.

一般而言,增值证券的馈赠可扣除你调整后总收入的30%. Gifts in excess of this amount may be carried forward up to five years. 慈善捐赠的增值部分在替代性最低税(AMT)下被列为优惠项目。. AMT的应用是罕见的,仅限于纳税人有非常不寻常的情况. For these few individuals, AMT可以限制赠送增值财产的税收优惠.

Charitable gifts of appreciated assets are especially attractive. 当你捐赠证券时,最大的收益是现实的,因为你避免了出售它们并实现收益.

Consult your financial advisors before making a gift of appreciated assets. 联系堪萨斯卫斯理发展办公室785-833-4392为我们的KWU证券转让说明.


Gifts-in-kind include art, 可妥善利用或出售以筹集资金的房地产或其他财产或设备.

Personal Property

艺术作品, 博物馆的对象, 罕见的书, historical documents, manuscripts and other property can be useful to KWU, while providing substantial benefits to you as well.

这些个人财产的赠与受到某些条件的约束,而这些条件不适用于其他直接赠与. 例如, for a gift of personal property to be deductible at full fair market value, it must be directly related to the mission of the university. If you wish to donate items valued at $5,000或更多, a qualified appraisal is needed to receive a tax deduction.

Corporate Assets

公司和企业在提供设备时可能有资格获得税收减免, inventory or other assets used in the course of business. 出于纳税目的,设备和其他资产可能需要由独立评估师进行估值. 公司或企业的慈善捐赠仅限于其提供库存时的成本基础.


将你不再需要的农田或房屋捐赠给中大,可产生重大影响. 大多数长期持有的房地产已经升值,并为慈善捐赠提供了巨大的潜力.

赠予已估价的不动产,可享受相当于该不动产当前估价的所得税减免. By transferring real estate directly to Kansas Wesleyan University, you also avoid paying capital gains tax.

Gifts with Retained Use

Life Estate Agreement

终身地产协议是一种将所有权转让给个人住宅的安排, 农场, 或将游艇捐给慈善机构,同时保留占用或以其他方式充分享受财产使用权的权利,供您选择租期数年或终身的一个或多个个人使用.

Gifts of Life Insurance

When properly arranged, 人寿保险提供了一种有吸引力的方式,为中大带来许多好处.

IRA rollovers are also an option.


When you make a gift to KWU, 你们帮助改变了我们学生的生活——无论是在学校还是在外面的世界.